Asbestos Testing (see accreditation page)

Asbestos is a mineral fiber that occurs in rock and soil. Because of its fiber strength and heat resistance asbestos has been used in a variety of building construction materials for insulation and as a fire retardant. Asbestos has also been used in a wide range of manufactured goods, mostly in building materials (roofing shingles, ceiling and floor tiles, paper products, and asbestos cement products), friction products (automobile clutch, brake, and transmission parts), heat-resistant fabrics, packaging, gaskets, and coatings.
The AmeriSci Asbestos Testing Laboratories are accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, Lab Codes: 101904-0, 200546-0, 200346-0, 102079-0, and various other applicable Federal, State, and Local programs, guidelines, and regulations for the analysis of bulk and air samples for asbestos by Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM), Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).
Air Analysis - Airborne Fibers
- (PCM) NIOSH 7400
- (PCM) NIOSH 7400 - OSHA 8hr TWA
- (TEM) NIOSH 7402
- (TEM) AHERA - Clearance MSD
- (TEM) EPA Level II (Yamate Level II)
- (TEM) ASTM D6281-15 or ISO 10312
Bulk Analysis (Building Materials)
- (PLM) EPA 600-M4-82-020
- (PLM) NOB EPA 600-R-93-116 section
- (PLM) EPA 600-R-93-116 (400 Point Count)
- (PLM) EPA 600-R-93-116 (1000 Point Count)
- (TEM) Chatfield (NOB EPA 600-R-93-116 section
- NY ELAP Method 198.1 (Friable)
- NY ELAP Method 198.6 (PLM - NOB Gravimetric Prep)
- NY ELAP Method 198.4 (TEM - NOB Gravimetric Prep)
- NY ELAP Method 198.8 Vermiculite: Surfacing Material Containing Vermiculite
Asbestos in Water
- (TEM) EPA Method 100.2 (regulated fibers >10 microns)
- (TEM) EPA 600-4-80-005 High Organic Waste Water
Asbestos in Dust
- (TEM) ASTM D-5755 (MicroVac)
- (TEM) ASTM D-6480 (Wipe)
- (TEM) EPA 600-J-93-167 (Carpet Sonication)
Asbestos in Soils, Debris, and Vermiculite
- (PLM) CARB 435 (400 point count < 0.25%)
- (PLM) CARB 435 (1000 point count < 0.1 %)
- (PLM) Vermiculite - Cincinnati Method EPA 600/R-04/004
- (TEM) Vermiculite - Cincinnati Method EPA 600/R-04/004
- (PLM) Vermiculite: SM-V Surfacing Material Containing Vermiculite NY ELAP Method 198.8
- (PLM) EPA Region 1 Screening Protocol (Qualitative)
- (PLM) EPA 600-R-93-116 (Quantitative)
Services Offered
Making the world’s environments safer.
AmeriSci is proud to serve the environmental industry, and playing a part in ensuring safer and healthier living environments for all people. Our accurate and consistent results helps to ensure that indoor or outdoor environments are not hazardous to health for workers, residents, and the general public. At AmeriSci, we are dedicated to providing the best, most thorough testing services available today.
Send in your samples for Asbestos, Lead, Mold, or Water testing today. We’ll provide results in a timely and reliable manner. For more information, contact AmeriSci.